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1, Hengmeilengdui criticism, Headbowed for the oxen Lu Xun#39s selfmockery2, Send Italian Hanxing Tsuen be aware, I am in my Blade Heart Lu Xun from the issue or like3, their minds Guangyu Lian Mangho, was silent at hearing thunder Lu Xun no title4, bloo。

known as the quotnational soul,quot the banner of modern literature, is China#39s modern great proletarian writer, thinker, revolutionary, is one of the world#39s top ten literary giant Mao Tsetung highly of him as the commanding general of Chinese cultural revolution quotHengmeilengdui。

There are more than 70 large and small palaces and more than 9000 houses Listen to my description, you may think it#39s no big deal But as long as you visit that place, you will really praise it大家好,今天的演讲我为大家介绍一下故宫故宫位于首都北京,这是大家都知道的。


